Leaving from Stavanger, going to Bergen...
Borrowed Mr Presidents 1965 180SS Tante Rød (Auntie Red, don't ask). Mr President riding his own Touring, known as the "Bastard".
Rennfast... (subsea tunnels)
Waiting for ferries...
Tante Rød in front...
Some minor adjustments needed on the Bastard...
Classic Scooterrun 2009 Bergen...
Many nice scooters!
Some beautiful Lammies as well...
More Vespas...
Toasted Vespas...
Vespas with sidecars & complimentary family...
Wall riding Vespas with complimentary sweedes... ;-)
Indoors Vespas & complimentary "bergensere"...
No event without a rideout... Me on the right...
Rideout to Bergen centrum...
Returning home, waiting for the ferry...
Going home again, more fixing...
Nearly home, the Bastard gearbox failed...
Thanks to "The Rivals Scooterclub" for technical assistance the last 20km's...